The Laurel School District proudly introduces “Golden Pages: Laurel’s Literacy Leap” as its flagship campaign for grade-level reading in 2024. This initiative, orchestrated by a dedicated coalition, envisions a series of impactful programs and events designed to enhance school readiness, address attendance issues, tackle health-related challenges, and foster increased parental engagement. With an overarching goal of advancing student literacy, “Golden Pages” aspires to make a lasting positive impact on the Laurel community.
Since its establishment in 1891, the Laurel School District has cultivated a storied legacy in delivering top-tier education to the children of Laurel. Comprising six schools, all designated as Title 1 institutions, the district is dedicated to offering a comprehensive curriculum tailored to meet the diverse needs of every student. A commitment to innovation underscores the district’s continuous efforts to captivate and motivate students, ensuring a dynamic and enriching educational experience for all.
Allison Temple
Director of Family Engagement, Assistant Federal Programs
Laurel School District